is a "Enhanced Stock Option" Automated Market Maker, meaning: once Liquidity is provided to the Smart Contract of Any Token, that Token is now alive and active on the market for investors to buy and sell the Token with no middleman interference.
The A.M.M works 24 hours 7 days a week and is open for any and all investors worldwide. The algorithm of the Tokens activity sets the current price, current circulation and current marketcap and is on real time for investors to parlay their investment.
To Add Liquidity & become a Liquidity Provider to receive 0.25%-0.30% of fee's from the total buy-in's and sell-off's of the $WAGE Tokens, you have to have a balanced ratio of WAGE/TON in order to put in Liquidity and receive LP Tokens.
Ex. $50 worth of WAGE / $50 worth of TON = $100
We Encourage all of our members and investors to become Liquidity Providers, it helps strengthen our marketcap and keeps the $WAGE Tokens Liquidity Pool balanced with an even amount of WAGE/TON, so the cycle of buying and selling can persist in everyones favor.
Open the app and click on "Pools" and paste the $WAGE Contract Address in the search bar. Once the Pair appear in the Liquidity Pools, click on the Pair to add Liquidity.
(the images are examples, make sure to use Contract Address)
Here you can see the Liquidity Pools composition, which details:
How many TON are in the Liquidity Pool
How many Tokens (WAGE) are in the Liquidity Pool
How much $USD is in the Liquidity Pool
24hr Volume of Activity
24hr of Fee's Calculated
APR percentage
In the "My Position" section, click on "Deposit" to bring up the "Deposit Liquidity" screen.
(the images are examples, make sure to use Contract Address)
The algorithm is set to keep a balance between WAGE/TON when Depositing Liquidity, this means that when you disclose how much TON you are wanting to deposit into Liquidity Pool, it will automatically determine how much WAGE will be needed to keep the balance within the Liquidity Pool.
Make sure you have the correct amount of both before proceeding, you won't be able to go further unless you matched the numbers evenly to the A.M.M, or you can adjust the TON ratio to match the WAGE ratio by clicking the amount of WAGE you want to put into the Liquidity Pool, it will automatically tell you how much TON you will need.
Click Deposit when Ready (confirm all actions)
(the images are examples, make sure to use Contract Address)
LP Tokens are given to the Liquidity Provider after they have provided the Liquidity, and sent to the Liquidity Providers Tonkeeper Wallet.
The LP Tokens can be held as long as the Liquidity Provider wants to hold them while receiving profits from the 0.25%-0.30% fee's from the Buying and Selling of the $WAGE Tokens.
The LP Tokens can be withdrawn by the Liquidity Provider whenever they feel like it.
Click Withdraw to take profits, Click Deposit to Add Liquidity (confirm all actions)
(the images are examples, make sure to use Contract Address)
Before Withdrawing Liquidity, a screen details what the profits would look like, there was 2,439,212 LP Tokens, upon Withdraw you can see a Left side and Right side for the Pairs.
Left will get 1,492,045 Tokens (KOORAY)
Right will get 0.4 TON
Click Withdraw to take Profits (confirm all actions)
(the images are examples, make sure to use Contract Address)